A HAZOP study is used to verify the integrity of design or procedures with respect to safety and operability.

HAZOP Study Will Be Conducted By Analyzing
  • Familiarization with background documentation
  • Planning of the workshop meeting in a pre-meeting with the customer in order to identify HAZOP strategy, division of the subsystems/nodes (e.g. line, pump, vessel, compressor), choose relevant Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&ID), and identifying guide words
  • Accomplishment of the HAZOP review
  • Documentation of observations into information and actions point, document findings on the P&IDs.
  • Draft report for client review.
  • Final HAZOP report.

  • Benefits
  • Potential deviations from intended design function are identified and corrected
  • Health, safety and environmental process and equipment hazards are revealed
  • Actions for necessary process or instrumentation improvements can planned
  • Enquiry